MonkTalks - technology, society, beer

A fan site dedicated to all the speakers and staff of Monktoberfest by Redmonk.

Monktoberfest 2017 was when the change from being a tech conference to becoming a conference about how technology changes society became really obvious. Gerrymandering, hiring and diversity, social science and how we get through the day at our jobs were all on topic.

Read Stephen’s recap of the year (with beer menu and thanks to all sponsors), or see the video listing on YouTube.

Principles of Technology Leadership
Speaker: Bryan Cantrill @bcantrill
Video: On Redmonk, On YouTube
A critical review of select corporate values statements.
Secrets vs. Mysteries: Social Science as Data Science
Speaker: Erin Simpson @charlie_simpson
Video: On Redmonk, On YouTube
How To Save The World (or at least survive the year)
Speaker: Clara Beyer @clarabellum
Video: On Redmonk, On YouTube
The Best Hire I Ever Made - Steve Money
Speaker: Sarah C. Hines @sarah_hines
Video: On Redmonk, On YouTube
Exploring differences in gender perception online.
(imposter syndrome)
Speaker: Luke Kanies @lkanies

Not Your Father's Gerrymander: Redistricting And Technology
Speaker: Mira Bernstein @gerrymandr
Video: On Redmonk, On YouTube
Using mapping analysis to show real effects of gerrymanders.
Building A Tech Company Outside Of Silicon Valley
Speaker: Zack Urlocker @ZUrlocker
Video: On Redmonk, On YouTube
Age Discrimination In Tech
Speaker: Robert Lefkowitz @r0ml
Video: On Redmonk, On YouTube
No, Technology Is Not About To Take All Our Jobs
Speaker: James Bessen @JamesBessen
Video: On Redmonk, On YouTube
Marie Curie, & Open Source, Kickstarter, and Women in Tech
Speaker: Mandy Whaley @MandyWhaley
Video: On Redmonk, On YouTube
Change Through Obsolescence
Speaker: Aneel Lakhani @aneel
Video: On Redmonk, On YouTube
The Cathedral And The Ballpark
Speaker: Dan Turkenkopf @dturkenk
Video: On Redmonk, On YouTube