MonkTalks - technology, society, beer

A fan site dedicated to all the speakers and staff of Monktoberfest by Redmonk.

Monktoberfest 2019 was unabashedly about people: how we work together, teach each other, mentor or get mentoring, and about how to use data in ways that can encompass human compassion, not just numbers.

Read Stephen’s recap of the year (with beer menu and thanks to all sponsors) or see the playlist by Redmonk or on YouTube.

Soft talks and Being Technical
Speaker: Abby Fuller
Watch Video: On Redmonk On YouTube
Facing the difficulties for technical women getting credit they deserve.
Management mistakes I've made... so you don't have to
Speaker: Steph Yiu
Watch Video: On Redmonk On YouTube
How to be a better manager for your employees over the long haul.
My Personal Journey Around Diversity
Speaker: Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Watch Video: On Redmonk On YouTube
Livetweets: @MaggieFero
Personal story of seeing the issues of diversity in the workplace.
Building Compassion
Speaker: Julia Ferraioli
Speaking years: 2019, 2022
Watch Video: On Redmonk On YouTube
Livetweets: @MaggieFero
Accessibilty and social difficulties of those with hidden disabilities.
The Data Is Made Out Of People!
Speaker: Jeremy Bowers
Watch Video: On Redmonk On YouTube
Livetweets: @MaggieFero
How presentation of journalistic charts can show - or lose - the humanity behind the data.
Achieving Career Goals = Spider-folk
Speaker: Swarna Podila
Watch Video: On Redmonk On YouTube
Managing your own career, no matter where you web-swing to.
How to get the right candidates to swipe right
Speaker: Alex Avritch
Watch Video: On Redmonk On YouTube
Livetweets: @MaggieFero
Wholistic approaches to ensuring your hiring presence is truly reflecting diverse candidates.
Letter to a young maintainer
Speaker: Hadley Wickham
Watch Video: On Redmonk On YouTube
Wholistic project and self-carer advice for a newcomer to open source.
Digital Discrimination: Cognitive Bias in Machine Learning
Speaker: Maureen McElaney
Speaking years: 2016, 2019
Watch Video: On Redmonk On YouTube
Reviewing the many layers of inputs to ML that can relfect hidden biases.
Mentorship: A tradition, right, and duty
Speaker: Erik Dasque
Watch Video: On Redmonk On YouTube
Livetweets: @MaggieFero
Comparing historical mentor/apprentice systems with modern mentoring.
Teaching for Knowledge
Speaker: Meg Gulifold
Watch Video: On Redmonk On YouTube
Livetweets: @juliaferraioli
On teaching and mentoring, and the process for learning knowledge from information.